Saturday, 15 December 2012

Effortless Ways to Keep a Watch on Post Party Stress

Are you on your guard in the parties? Do you drink too much? Do you gorge without focusing on your diet regimen?  Parties offer fun and you feel charmed with the spell around you. But when it comes to an end all you get is a trio for enhanced stress level, physical, mental and emotional. You sacrifice all your efforts to trim your body-line. You take a stroll into the pub to find a stranger who would say “Wow! You are hot.”You feel you are at the right spot and are doing the right things which should be done in a party. But if you do not keep track of the things, your physique, your emotions and your reputations are at stake. Here are a few tips to say good bye to all your worries.
Eat but not like a foodie
Your diet mantras always make you greedy at the parties and you start binging. It is natural that you eagerly look forward for such occasions to grab those fried snacks with a big cross on your diet chart. Do not even cast your glance on them. Drink two glasses of water before you reach the venue. Talk more and eat less .Go for baked dishes. Stop tasting the mouthwatering sweets and desserts. Help yourself to fish, chicken, fruits, vegetables, salads and whole grain stuff. Think about the enormous tummy you have tamed with so much toil. Ensure how gorgeous you look with your nipped in waist. Would you like to lose it with single indulgence? No and never.
Drink nothing but lime soda
Stay away from alcoholic drinks. If you do not go slow, you would suffer from hangovers. Drink red wine but not more than one peg. Never crave for white wine or cocktail. Drink lime soda without sugar or only with a pinch of sugar. If you are unable to resist, quench your thirst with mock tails or juices or plain water.
Do not skip breakfast next morning
If you binge like a glutton, you may think of skipping your breakfast next morning. Your body may revolt and you would feel more hungry. What is the consequence? You would stuff your stomach with all nonsense and again put on weight.
Include fresh fruits and boiled vegetables in your breakfast
Fruits and vegetables have antioxidants.  They would help removing the toxins from your body. Green tea is also good .Take a light breakfast and get rid of the nausea or stomach-upset. Drink plenty of water to save you from dehydration. Headaches are normal after late night parties. A moderate dose of painkillers can help you.
Avoid peer pressure
Do not indulge in smoking or trying drugs. Your friends can force you to make you smoke or take drugs for sheer fun. Never try to please them by accepting their challenge. Do not get addicted and steer clear the idea of tasting them for once.
Do not deprive yourself from sleep
The late night parties always have a great impact on your body. You feel restless and need more sleep. Your eyes become heavy and you feel tired and exhausted. Proper rest and sleep would save you from many disorders. A short nap would reduce your power of concentration and can make you once more flabby.
Practice yoga to step out from party stress
Last but not least, exercise and yoga practice can heal all your ailments. Follow the exact ways of breathing .Practice meditation and do aerobics. Do not forget about the workouts to burn your calories.
Socialize but safely
Dance and enjoy with your friends to your heart’s content. You would shed off the calories. But protect yourself from stepping into the sex zone. Do not trust anybody who can take an advantage of your simplicity and make you pregnant. Celebration can turn into frustration. Be cautious and prevent yourself from  being easily available.

Saturday, 28 July 2012

10 Tips to Manage Your Time Without Any Stress

Do you wake up early?  Do you sleep early? Do you eat timely? Do you manage your time perfectly? Well, don’t feel cramped when so many questions are put to you all at a time. But be assured that managing your time without any stress can be amazing with the following tips.

                                 “Time is what we want most, but what we use worst.”
                                                                                 ------William Penn

1. Sleep early
What is your daily schedule? Isn’t it like this?
 Just match the sketch below with your own!

Clock:Alarm Clock WomanClock : Businesswoman yawning in the officeClock : Shocked Alarm Woman
Every day starts with a rush and you skip your breakfast. You forget to take your most important documents. You gallop to catch a tube or speedily drive your car .You curse the traffic .You throw a glance at your watch and feel more stressed. And finally you enter your office with an alarmed briskness. All these happened because you woke up late .And why did you wake up late? Because you had slept late and your body did not allow you to drag on. You switched off the creaking sound of the alarm and were asleep again. Then you woke up and found that you were nowhere and you had to rush to your workplace leaving all the other important schedules. Don’t you think to change your plight?  Just sleep early and feel tight.
2. Wake up early
If you sleep early, it is sure you would wake up early. You would also feel fresh to give a good start to your day. The fresh cool air would leave you surcharged with zeal and vigor and you can complete all your pending work in time. You can go for a morning walk which is the best way to keep you fit and fine .
Then you can take your breakfast and feel geared up .You must not skip your breakfast because that is the key to your bad health. If you are obese, you might think to do so .But never do this because that would add fuel to the flames. Your system would start working differently. Your body would go to the starvation mode and the acids assisting your digestive system can create a problem for you in the later stages of your life. You can fall a prey to various diseases like gastric ulcers, colic pains, and stone in your gallbladder.
          “Take care of the minutes and the hours will take care of themselves.”
                                                                        ---------Lord Chesterfield
Clock : Notepad and office supplies.  Stock PhotoClock : The word Work with a clock in the letter O, illustrating that it is time to get working at your job and career in order to succeed Stock Photo
 3. Plan your daily chores ahead
Note the important items on a paper and stick it to a place which can be visible from your bed. After you get up from your bed, just throw a cursory glance at the items and start doing them one by one. If you wish to mark the most important ones, mark those items in red. The less important items can be marked in green. Let me share an example. One of your friends met with an accident. She is admitted in the hospital. It is urgent for you to visit her. So you have to postpone your other activities and have to rush there to boost her up. These are your moral and social bindings which can be exchanged with activities the lesser important like shopping or relaxing with your partner in a cool café.

4. List your monthly plans
Every month you have got various types of activities. For example, the New Year can be started with social gatherings. February and March can be dedicated to children. You can just shop and hop with them. April and May can offer some additional fun to you with your partner but you might have to pay the installment- bills too in these months. And June can be the month for enjoying summer breaks. August can be the most suitable month for shopping the accessories for your kitchen and September can be the month for your house repair. October can be a month for travel and tours whereas November can be spent in the preparation of Christmas. Last but not least, just say goodbye to the year arranging Christmas parties. It is better to think ahead and plan so that you can manage your time well.
                     “The bad news is time flies. The good news is you’re the pilot.”
                                                                   -------Michael  Altshuler
MOV00182b.mp4 video by rininjapan

4. List your monthly plans
Every month you have got various types of activities. For example, the New Year can be started with social gatherings. February and March can be dedicated to children. You can just shop and hop with them. April and May can offer some additional fun to you with your partner but you might have to pay the installment- bills too in these months. And June can be the month for enjoying summer breaks. August can be the most suitable month for shopping the accessories for your kitchen and September can be the month for your house repair. October can be a month for travel and tours whereas November can be spent in the preparation of Christmas. Last but not least, just say goodbye to the year arranging Christmas parties. It is better to think ahead and plan so that you can manage your time well.
                     “The bad news is time flies. The good news is you’re the pilot.”
                                                                   -------Michael  Altshuler
MOV00182b.mp4 video by rininjapan
4. List your monthly plans
Every month you have got various types of activities. For example, the New Year can be started with social gatherings. February and March can be dedicated to children. You can just shop and hop with them. April and May can offer some additional fun to you with your partner but you might have to pay the installment- bills too in these months. And June can be the month for enjoying summer breaks. August can be the most suitable month for shopping the accessories for your kitchen and September can be the month for your house repair. October can be a month for travel and tours whereas November can be spent in the preparation of Christmas. Last but not least, just say goodbye to the year arranging Christmas parties. It is better to think ahead and plan so that you can manage your time well.
                     “The bad news is time flies. The good news is you’re the pilot.”
                                                                   -------Michael  Altshuler
MOV00182b.mp4 video by rininjapan
5. Enjoy your weekly plans
Every week you have got some domestic and house-hold chores like cleaning your garden or doing the laundry. Just make a list of the clothes or furnishings to be washed .Clean the nursery of your children or clean the cupboards of your partner .Then eat out with the whole family and get rid of the boring healthy dishes you have to take every day.
6. Think of your yearly plans
Stay stress –free by putting aside the money for your yearly plans. Have you thought of buying a new Ferrari this year? Come on. You must save the money for that. Or have you got to switch over to some new spacious apartment? Don’t worry. You can fulfill all your dreams if you plan ahead and take loans
which can be paid within the time-limit. If you have decided to visit your parents or friends who are settled in some other country, you can take your time to arrange for that throughout the year and finally carry out your plans.
                                                       “You may delay, but time will not.”
                                                               ---------Benjamin Franklin
7. Set an alarm to fix your time limit
Practice doing your task within a set time limit. You should be very fast to maintain the fixed period of time .Set an alarm and always keep an eye to the clock .Practice regularly to perform within the time you have been given. Are you a home-maker? If so, finish the preparation for your cooking within fifteen minutes and then cook .The preparation can be done a day ahead and can be kept in the fridge. This would facilitate your cooking. If you are a writer, try to finish writing your article within the given deadline. If you have got some business, never procrastinate .Without wasting any time, you should hold the meetings and get in touch with your contacts.
8. Prioritize
Our life is like a rolling pin which runs smoothly on the flat surface and produces different shapes from the dough. But if the surface is not flat and smooth, the rolling pin stops working. In the same way, our life stops rolling smoothly if there is some unprecedented situation .You might have listed the things which need prior attention .But due to some untoward incident, you might have to postpone that work which you have prioritized. Then you have to adjust.
9. Organize
Be organized. You must not start doing something and switch over to some other without completing the first one. Set your goal, collect the required elements, start working and complete. If you are organized, you can achieve your goal faster than others.
                                          “To do two things at once is to do neither.”
                                                                                --------Publius Syrus
10. Get a review of your progress
Every week get a review of your progress. Take a marker –pen and put a green circle on the items which have not been completed and include them in the next week’s schedule. Try to increase the tempo of your work so that the target can be achieved within time- limit. If you are unable to do all the tasks, don’t feel shy to delegate them to your partner or friends because you can begin by coming together, you can progress by keeping together and you can succeed by working together within the time-limit!!!

Freedom means sacrifice!

What is freedom? Is it breaking the social taboos? Or is it shattering the emotional bonds?
 The meaning of freedom varies from one person to another.
A sense of relaxation
 To me, freedom means a sense of relaxation .It depicts a stage when you are not dominated by others, physically or mentally.
 However this is not a one-sided affair. There is always the other side which gets affected by the course of your action.  You can never be free with a person from a different culture unless you accept him or her and unless he or she likes you and your culture. You cannot mold him or her or exercise your power to convert his or her faith .In the same way you cannot expect him or her to change the norms you are following.
Going globalized
So when it comes to breaking the social taboos and going globalized, you have to pay your respect to all the cultures. But as you are living in a society headed by patriarchs, you can never expect to enjoy your liberty at the cost of your family’s disgrace .It can shatter the bonds which you have nurtured for so long. You can think that you are free to do something, speak something or get something. But how it tells upon the other is what counts the most.
The right explanation of freedom
 The right explanation of freedom is to respect the rights to freedom by others.You are free to move anywhere using the road which leads to your destination. But that does not mean that you will walk in the middle of the road letting others stuck in the traffic and miss their flights. Freedom is the clay which molds your behavior towards others. Freedom is the sacrifice which builds an everlasting bond with others. Freedom is the way leading to reconstruction, not deconstruction.

Tuesday, 24 July 2012

10 tips to mould your possessive partner

Are you upset? Are you cursing your lot? Are you feeling blue because your partner is too possessive? Start with fresh vigor and feel   better to lead a life as you wish.
1.Build up your strengths
What are your strengths? Have you ever focused on them? Stay focused in the arena where you can prove yourself. If you can harness the best skill you have, half the battle is won. Just make him feel that you are better than others. Your partner would adore you and would listen to your suggestions.
2.Never hurt the ego
It is due to ego clashes the relationship suffers a lot. If your partner is too possessive about you, just try to understand his problems. Try to share his worries and never indulge in fights .If he is blaming you for something, be patient to listen to the allegation and clarify later. You can discuss all the points in writing and can submit the paper to him when he is in good mood.  Try to solve the problem peacefully instead of hurting each other.
3.Try to find out the likes and dislikes 
You must know the likes and dislikes of your partner. If he  has some dress code and does not like the western outfits, stay away from them for a few days. Later buy some western apparel for him and coax him to wear them. Next it is your turn. Buy some for yourself and wear   them in front of him and not in the public. Just let him feel the pros and cons of the dress you like to put on without hurting his ego. If you go on a tour to some distant place, take these dresses and convince him about their utility.
4.Know the food habit
We all know that a person’s heart can be won by making a way through his stomach .The mouth-watering cuisines from various places can tempt even the most jaded palate. So why don’t you try them? Opt for the dish which your partner likes best. Offer the dish and let him know how you respect his likes and dislikes. Sometimes, you can refer to your likes and dislikes indirectly and ask him to respect yours too.
5.Don’t lose your cool
Never react if your partner is too possessive in a social gathering and does not allow you to dance or participate in any kind of activity which he does not like. Stay cool and never be aggressive. You can discuss the issue on way back and can be analytical about the good and bad aspects of the issue.
6.Boost up your confidence
Always blaming your partner or holding on the notion that you are always cornered and humiliated would not bring an end to the problem.  Better be a winner than a loser .Never lose your confidence and have patience with your partner .Your better-half would never be in doubts about your love and passion and would realize the mistakes committed earlier.
7.Forgive and forget
The best way to deal with an over-possessive person is to forgive and forget the actions done by him .Forget the bad elements in his character and think about the best part in him. Get rid of the negative thoughts and forgive. You can always be the gainer if you forgive and sacrifice your own self for someone else.
8.Act like  a diplomat
Handle each and every situation carefully and tactfully. Your single unmindful act can distort the beautiful relationship. Bear with him as tolerance has an unyielding power to improve things. Don’t do anything which can stimulate the suspicious nature of your partner.
9.Be honest
Always stay open and frank with your partner. Never try to hide anything. Present each and every situation carefully as you know what can be the most provoking situation. Maintain peace but if you can tolerate no more, leave that place and don’t be a recipient of all his allegations.
10.Say sorry for your mistakes
You are a human being and it is quite but natural that you can commit mistakes. Say  “Sorry”  to your partner if you have committed anything which he is totally against and promise never to repeat .
The bonding can be intact if you try to follow the above-mentioned tactics. Breaking a relationship is a one-minute game .But it needs ages to build up the same . Would you like to deconstruct  or would you like to reconstruct? It is better to reconstruct .
Just like a mother , you can  handle your naughty partner patiently and be a winner , not a loser.

Thursday, 19 July 2012

Seven tips to stay stress-free from obesity

I am overweight. Are you too? Do you feel stressed? I do. Do you start your days with looking at the mirror? I do and I feel so bad. The curves in my body bulge out and make me mad. I cannot move fast .I cannot eat fast .I cannot jump fast . I cannot stand up fast. I cannot-----blah blah blah ----All “No”s and not a single “Yes”. And the consequence? I am badly stressed. How to get rid of this ridiculous fatty –naughty syndrome---? Any guess? Let’s work together.
1.Beleive in yourself
Don’t think you have become a burden to all. You can do it yourself.  Find out the methods which can materialize your dreams to look like the models in the ads. And don’t feel stressed .Stress can add fuel to the flames of your curves and detours. It can finally ensure its presence inside your body and can be close to your heart .The result? You can be fully secure for a cardiac arrest.
2.Discard fatty foods
Give your palate a rest for a while .Never try to eat the fried stuff and the sweet soft creamy delicacies. Go green and eat all healthy. Cabbage, cucumber, carrots –they are your well -wishers. Don’t forget to include the three C’s in your diet. They can make your skin glow like a fluorescent lamp and would reduce the ugly fat which creates so many problems.
3.Meditate and develop your will-power
Do yoga and find some time to meditate. Meditation would build up your self-confidence. You would not get stressed by the jibes of the world. You would be able to conquer your wrath against those who ridicule you. And you would never feel depressed and upset.
4.Avoid machines to help in your daily activities
You car can allure you. Better walk to your work place or use your bicycle. This can burn a  huge amount of calories and you can look gorgeous. Wash your clothes manually and avoid using a machine for it. Imagine that the lift in your apartment is out of order and everyday climb the steps to reach your den.
5.Listen to music
Music  is a healer to most of the maladies. Listen to your choice songs and tap your feet with the thrilling staccato. Dance till you feel exhausted. You can be the owner of a beautiful body  if you dance daily for some time.
6.Swim and burn your calories
Swimming can burn a lot of calories .Make it a habit to swim every day .Are you scared of getting inside the pool? Don’t worry. Just be brave and keep aside your fear of drowning.  Fear is the worst enemy. You are more powerful than him. So why don’t you join a swimming club and  hire a coach?
7.Change your lifestyle
Bring a change to your habits and schedules .The goal would be nearer to you. You don’t have to wander from one shop to another for XXL sizes. The best part of all the above-mentioned tips   is that you would no more get stressed by obesity and feel downcast.
Hey ,are you coming with me?